The Van Wyk Family Verse

Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy... The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.

Psalm 126:2-3

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Lauren's Choir Conerts

Hi there,

I forgot to mention this today so I guess this is the next best thing and hope you all talk to each other at some point this week! :-)

Lauren has a Jr. Choir performance on Sunday evening at 6:00 at church. She has a couple of speaking parts and will be singing a duet (I think? I get confused b/c it was just a solo, then it was a trio...but now I think it's a duet). I know she would love to see familiar faces in the audience!

Also, on Monday night there is a free concert of the Pella Children's choir at 2nd Reformed church. This will be their spring concert. The concert doesn't start until 7:30 which tells me it won't be very long...maybe 30 minutes or so. Again, I'm sure she would love to see faces she knows!

Russ went to the Elzinga's without any trouble. He was a bit overwhelmed by all of you today. He said "Man Diane, your family is HUGE! Everytime I turned around there were more people!" :-)

Would appreciate prayers for all the kids this week. They are pretty set for food most nights. A couple of nights there are people bringing them food. And its a busy week with something almost every night so that should make the time go by quickly. I hope!

Love you!


Monday, April 6, 2009


Hey, I just wanted to thank each of my sisters for accomodating my request to laugh together. I had a great time and kindof wish I could see it again because I can't remember enough of it. I also loved lunch! I will go back there. The food and the service was great.

Today I really have fond memories of the great food because I have been fasting today. I have a colonoscopy and an upper GI tomorrow. I am looking forward to being on the other side of these tests, although I hear the sleep is pretty sweet. AND, I DO feel thin....if only I could actually be thin....

I had a great weekend with the women of my life. My girls make me laugh as only they can. And Jessa just warms my heart. She slept on my lap for over an hour the other night.

I hope you all get to meet Russ soon. He is a bit shy, but what a cutey! His timidity warmed my heart. May God Bless you, Diane and Bob, with what you need to show that young man a safe, caring home.

Hey, I am feeling some peer pressure on this college education thing. Everyone of you have or are doing your part at bettering yourself educationally. Maybe I should persue could mean a new car....Hee-Hee. I don't know what to think. Well, you guys run ahead and let me know how it feels. I may join you or not.

Have a blessed Holy Week! I love you! Rosa

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Still giggling?

What a great way to spend a Saturday! I don't think any of us will re-cork a wine bottle without giggling ever again!
