As Gold is essayed by fire -- By Rev. J.B Victor
The Nine Impending Yet Rewarding Tests That Every Christian Will Face
WilliamWordsworth, an American literaturist, if I may thus coin my own lexicon, said:
"This world is all a fleeting show
For men's illusion given;
The smile of joy, the tears of woe,
Deceitful shine, deceitful flow,
There is nothing true but heaven."
As it were, William Wordsworth understood the truth that true happiness is not of the mundane; it's not in either the physical, the materialistic or the visual which are only extrinsic and transient, but that it is in a vertical relationship, or heart connection with
Abba. He realized that even in the midst of happiness, sorrow can be knocking at your door. Thus, his resolution draws us to reason and thereby points us heavenward.
In this life, this pilgrimage, or trek, whatever you choose to call it, we are going to be tried.
And as they say, "A man's true mettle is known through adversity as gold is essayed by fire." Job for his part said, "After He has tried me, I shall come forth as gold..." That understands there is a beauty that comes from our trying times if we will embrace it all with the right mindset and attitude towards God.
Now here are 9 tests that can cause you to flinch and break but with a little bit of faith, positive attitude and trust in GOD, you won't break as you allow those tests to prepare your heart for your promised land. And it's okay to be flexible; flexibility does not mean weakness. Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be broken.
The Nine Impending Tests Every Christian Will Face:
1 - The Wilderness Test
2 - The Time Test
3 - The Motivation Test
4 - The Failure Test
5 - The Self-will Test
6 - The Discouragement Test
7 - The Misunderstanding Test
8 - The Frustration Test
9 - The Servant Test
The Bible says that Those that trust in the Lord shall be like mount Zion which shall not be moved. The testing should not cause us to back out, cave in or backslide; they are only there to strengthen our roots, training us for the tougher and rougher Red Seas that lie ahead. N.B, every Red Sea you cross, your faith capacity is increased considerably and your mustard seed is multiplied. So, in our walk with the Lord, while being a fellow workers with Christ, we'll realize that Testing is:
* Inevitable
* Continual
* Necessary
* Productive
* Influential
* Transforming
* Crafted by God
* Purging
Tonight, regardless of what test you're going though, I encourage you not to get discouraged, but simply look at the result through the eyes of eternity. Sometimes you may have to encourage yourself by saying positive statements like "This too shall pass," or "It could've been worst" etc. And at times, you may bend like a reed under the influence of the storm, but you won't break because you know in Whom and how deep your roots are dug.
Dangers of the Testing
* People become DISILLUSIONED
* People become DISTRAUGHT
* People become DISTRACTED
* People become ANGRY
* People become BITTER
* People become HARDENED
The purpose of every test is:
* To reveal what we understand
* To reveal what we don't understand
* To reveal to us the applicability of the lesson
* To show our true color
After the drought, the rain,
After the desert, the promised land
After the tears, the rejoicing
After death, life,
After the testing time, the reward.
Just hang on
The will of God will never take you
Where the grace of God cannot keep you,
Where the arms of God cannot support you,
Where the riches of God cannot supply your needs,
Where the power of God cannot endow you.
The will of God will never take you
Where the spirit of God cannot work through you,
Where the wisdom of God cannot teach you,
Where the army of God cannot protect you,
Where the hands of God cannot mold you.
The will of God will never take you
Where the love of God cannot enfold you,
Where the mercy of God cannot sustain you,
Where the peace of God cannot calm your fears,
Where the authority of God cannot overrule for you.
The will of God will never take you
Where the comfort of God cannot dry your tears,
Where the Word of God cannot feed you,
Where the miracles of God cannot be done for you,
Where the omnipresence of God cannot find you
The Van Wyk Family Verse
Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy... The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.
Psalm 126:2-3
Psalm 126:2-3
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
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