The Van Wyk Family Verse

Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy... The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.

Psalm 126:2-3

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Me too..

I am thankful: for a husband who loves me very much
a church family that is a blessing to be with
baby carrots

Today I'm thankful for.....

Ok, so let's see how far we can make this one go. Just comment on this post and we'll see how many we can get during the month of November.

I'm thankful:

1. that I have a healthy body where every part works well.
2. that I don't have a car payment
3. that there are at least 6 other women in the world who understand me!
4. that I get to paint my office at work
5. that even though Vermeer may have cut hours, they have not cut jobs.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Prayer Request from Veenstras

Okay, to make a post you push "New Post". So I am trying to think of something to blog and at this point, all I can think of is to ask you to pray for the farmers getting the crops out. Specifically, Bernie and his brother, John. They want so badly to do this one last time and the equipment they have is old and giving them lots of trouble. Will you all please join me in praying that the equipment will cooperate to do this this time. There are lots of people who have offered to help and get the crops in - but I think there would be a sense of accomplishment and alot of processing the grief of their dad and the grief of the last time doing this - if they could do it themselves. Also pray for their safety, they are working all day and farming at night.
The praise we have is that the corn is finally dry and it is all a go - they need good weather, cooperative equipment, and time. I don't think I would make it as a farmers' wife - I have gained a whole new respect for them...Susie has become the go-fer for the parts - she asks, too, why did Heit keep doing this???

Anyway, thanks for who you all are and the way you have come around us this year. We love you very much

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Hey Family, We have a blog - maybe we can keep in touch in a different capacity. I thought it would be fun to post pictures and such. Just check it every now and again.