I'm sitting here tonight reflecting on the day and sorting through the pictures that Matt took. I came across this one and thought "Wow! What a great group of kids to represent us into the next generation!" Seriously, have you thought about it? Let's do:
Abby--first of the next generation, beautiful woman who is a loving mom to 3 adorable little girls...the next generation! The love of God and family is written all over her face!
Kim -- another beautiful woman of God, loving mommy to 3 more sweet little girls....the next generation after these kids is in good hands if these great neices we have are any indication of where it's heading!
Mari -- successful, beautiful, and planning a wedding from a distance! What charm and talents she has. We missed her today, but we understand! We'll see her soon, right?
Jenny -- a lovely young lady who loves nothing more than to play at the zoo all day! We are so proud of her...plus it's nice to have someone with connections at Disney, right Joy? :-)
Kris -- a preacher in the making. I mean really, who else walks around with CS Lewis in their back pocket? With this many family members, it's high time we had an official preacher in the family! Yeah, I know, youth pastor...but its as close as we've ever gotten!
Steph -- successful, beautiful, stylish and a lot of fun are just a few words that best describe Steph! There is never a dull moment when Steph is in the room, and we love you for that!
Teresa -- did anyone else think that girl looked like a super model today? Oh my goodness, she was STYLIN' and gorgeous! And yet, she can stick her hand in cow's stomachs! Which is more than anyone else in this family is willing to do!
Randy -- oldest grandson, the one who gave Dad hope that he wouldn't be stuck in a sea of girls forever! Cute as can be, isn't he? Doesn't someone have a girlfriend for him to hook up with? Thanks for walking Mom down the aisle today, you've been there for her through a lot of stuff and we appreciate you!
Becky -- what a lovely young lady, I mean really...who else could be in Mexico earlier this week, drive from Denver, have the flu and still look so darn adorable? Plus she's mom to a darling little Jessa, who wouldn't say a word to me, but teased me anyway by not telling me about her braids!
Rianne -- with a sunny personality and beautiful looks, Rianne turns heads when she walks in! And her heart is so caring that I know she's perfect in her current job!
Brandon -- ok, so Rianne said I could call him Bubbles, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. He's so handsome and bigger than me... :-) His artistic gifts will make him famous some day, even if it's just among his aunts!
Angie -- missed her today too. Her heart is so tender for little ones that I know she will be a great teacher one day! I'd like to say she missed us today, but I'm thinking that she only thought of us once or twice. Josh has a way of distracting her these days!
Matt -- so did any of you know that Matt even owned clothes other than blue jeans and a hoody? He cleans up real nice, doesn't he? I am so proud of him and cannot wait to see where he will be 5 years from now!
Katey -- poor thing, every time she turned around this week someone else was telling her how much she looked like her mom! I only wish I was that cute when I was 17. She did a fantastic job handling the little kids table with grace and beauty...and a whole lot of fun!
Lauren -- she had so much fun today playing with the little girls and getting to know Lydia better! She likes being looked up to by Grace, Jenna, Ella, Audrey & Jessa...instead of feeling like the little kid she feels like the big one when they are around her!
Brady -- he is growing up so fast! His voice is deeper and those eyes are going to steal some girl's heart one day! What a kind and compassionate young man he is!
Isaac -- Smart is the word I'd use to best describe Isaac. He is taking in every detail and will one day be the one who will remind us of things we'd long since forgotten. Plus he's durn cute with those mischevious eyes!
Libby -- Princess Libby, Dad would have loved to have spoiled you sweet girl. You are independent enough to walk clear to Third Church to get your baby brother, and yet you love to be doted on too! Your independent spirit will get you a long way in this world Princess...just not yet, ok?
Jett -- baby boy who is turning into this little boy who is absolutely adorable with those long eyelashes. Dad would have loved making wooden cars for you Jett and taking you fishing with your brothers. You bring up the end of this generation. They all seem so much older than you, but the truth of the matter is that it was just yesterday that Abby was your size. Hopefully, when you are all adults, you and Abby will share something special as the first and the last of the next generation.
So there you go.....what a great bunch of kids we've brought into this world! They all did so great today! It spoke volumes to me when Christine said last night "I just couldn't miss this opportunity to see you guys again!" What we have is special, unique and amazing.
I love all of you!
Yes, what a beautiful family - we are blessed and highly favored by God
Oh my goodness, I had tears when I read through it. Diane, you have an amazing gift of words. We do have an incredible family. I'd love to write such nice things about each one. I'll save that for another time. :) Love you all.
Wow Diane! What a great read that was! I was so sad to miss the big day, but sure happy that I was thought of anyway! Love you and can't wait to see you soon! Perhaps the VanWyks could get together in a couple weeks on the 18th?
Bonnie says - Diane you have such a way with words. You did a great job of describing each one of these beautiful "children" and I echo all of it. God has surely blessed us from generation to generation.
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