The Van Wyk Family Verse

Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy... The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.

Psalm 126:2-3

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Trying something new

Katey spent quite a bit of time putting this together for me as a new "techy" way of sending out our year end letter. However, I couldn't figure out how to upload it. So, drumroll please, we are going to try it here and see how it works. If you don't want to hear Christmas music, just turn off your speakers and enjoy the pictures from our year in review!



Van Wyk family said...

Ok, so that worked out pretty good, huh? Not bad for a first attempt at publishing a video! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year everyone!


Van Wyk family said...

Wow, I'm impressed!!! That was so cool.I had no idea that you had such an adventurous year, New York City even!I loved all the pictures, especially seeing Angie. I miss that girl!
I logged on for the 1st time in many weeks today. Your tribute to the grandkids almost made me cry.Who knew we had an author in the family?
Love you all, Norma

Van Wyk family said...

Diane & Katey, Great job on the video. It's all I can do to remember how to log onto this site. Your family has been blessed beyond measure and our entire family has been blessed by all of you.
Love you

Van Wyk family said...

I'm trying to make up something from the wedding so send me your pictures...
